Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Memoir II (Pasame la botella)

Have you ever felt like you have to tell something to someone, just whatever is inside you and whoever is it that wants to listen to you?

Well, I feel like that now. I would like to take out what I have to tell to no particular person, but a person, not a blog.

Is there a name for that feeling?

Well, I have another feeling "saudade" the protuguese talking call it. Europe gives saudade on me, I dunno why, I think it is because I've always came to europe for a personal reason first and then a laboral one, but not this time. This trip is just bussiness.

Summer gives me the blues... with all that wonderful weather outside it just doesn't feel right to stay at home watching movies alone, and I love watching movies.

Me off


Blogger blanquita said...

awww =( pus el business s bueno cuando lo disfrutas neh?!.. =)

cuidalo primo.. y cuando stes así.. disfruta lo mas pequeño k ste frente a ti... OBSERVA A LA GENTE! jajaja.. io se k kasi no tienes tiempo, pero creeme k para esto no se toman ni 5 segundos.. enjoy ur life!... be so fuckin' happy! te quero besote

3:59 PM  

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