Sunday, April 30, 2006

The Green Mile

Death, the ineffable truth of our lifes.

I believe death is the only sure thing that's going to happen in my life, I cannot be 100% sure about anything but death, and nevertheless it is something I have not learnt to deal with.

The minute I was born I started walking the green mile, every step never to be taken again, no way back, just the unspeakable end.

With every year I have learnt to accept part of it, to shed the fears one by one. There're many a fear left, I hope I have many a year left.

Living and dying, just the same thing, so better love life and death, live at fullest, die at fullest!

Good living my friends, better dying! Never leave a thing for tomorrow, today is ours, tomorrow only God knows!


Blogger blanquita said...

bueno pus luego leo.. pq ia me dio mimi...

te quero primooo!!!! =)

gracias x acompaƱarme aier.. jijiji


9:26 PM  

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