Friday, May 12, 2006

Ten things I always gave for granted about me, but had a second thought about

I'll never...

1. ... teach in a university.
2. ... be interested in earning at least 500k MXP a year.
3. ... do something really interesting with physics.
4. ... get to work in experimental physics or engineering.
5. ... try to put on a smile no matter what happens around.

I'll hook up with a girl who...

6. ... speaks more languages than I do.
7. ... have seen more countries than I have.
8. ... could make bussiness out of dumb ideas.
9. ... is as crazy as I am, but on her own special way.
10. ... is way more optimistic about the world than I am.


Blogger blanquita said...

jajaj osea me en-can-to!!!

k bueno k ia regresaste a tu habitat natural jijiji

se t xtraña =)


12:06 PM  

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