Thursday, May 18, 2006


I have talked about blood LOVE, I think that is true LOVE. As it grows with time and when it happens is inconditional and such.

Other LOVE... well, I think I cannot make what LOVE is from my experience, I have had two great experiences with it and I just messed up everything in both. One lasted around five months back in 95, and the other about 10 months back in 02-03. You ask me what LOVE is, I will tell you, a mixture of both those LOVE is---without my neurosis/histeria/whatever and immaturity that sent everything to the trash.

Well, maybe you will wonder, what about this or that time, I loved them, but there's a difference between love and LOVE, that difference is utterly important: time spent together.

Why did I chose today to say this? I don't really know, just felt like that, wanted to think about that LOVE in the past, and love in the present.

So, WTF is LOVE? You tell me... :)


Blogger blanquita said...

amoor! es el sentimiento mas shido k puede existir en el mundooo

pq veee.. con es es con el unico q sientes alegría, sientes cosquillas en el stómago (solo alinicio jaja -_-), enojo, t desesperas, lloras, t decepcionas, t sientes la mas feliz del mundo, otro dia lo odias... etc etc... en pocas palabras, es un TODO EN UNO!;) t lo recomiendoooo jijijiji

ama, amén! jejeje :P

besote primooo

aaah y no es vieja la fotooo! es del sabadooo! bueno k tu no ves fechas o k! jaja.. mañana, estreno mundial del codigo d davinci:P jiji


3:56 PM  

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