Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Martes de Escritos

Hey muchachos y muchachas hoy les tengo algo salido del baúl de los recuerdos, unas cuantas líneas que escribí para un juego, espero las disfruten son tres pedazos distintos...

Unbeknown to my senses, the creature crawled from my unconsciousness step by step, waiting the oportunity to stalk its prey, to kill me and free itself from the torture of a soulless man.

What am I if not a monster created by my own... seclusion granted me the power to cast myself by means of pure brute delusion, delusion distilled from such a depraved mind that deceives reality itself.

Be my eyes my lad, 'cause I cannot see with innocence anymore.
Be my hand, the tenderness of touch has ran out from my own.
Be my voice, I forgot the words of the living.
Be my host and forget that you were ever born.

Bueno, esto es de hace años, espero que les guste, si no pos ni modo así escribo yo.

Saludos mi gente


Blogger blanquita said...

Be my eyes my lad, 'cause I cannot see with innocence anymore.
Be my hand, the tenderness of touch has ran out from my own.
Be my voice, I forgot the words of the living.
Be my host and forget that you were ever born.

worales cousin.. ur a good writer!.. i've known it (jaja tengo serios problemas de conjugacion).. and i think that u should write more things like that!..

luvya primo.. & cya tomorrow..
hamburgers!! yummi!

5:22 PM  

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