Friday, May 19, 2006

WTF is LOVE? (cont)

Welll I was waiting for a "pinche Blas" or something, but it didn't come... So I will finish what I didn't write here yesterday...

Most important of all in what LOVE is for me is: The act of waiking up realizing that you are with the girl you wanna spend the rest of your life and commiting to it. This being if you somehow ever doubt about it, just take that doubt and throw it as far as possible.

This I got, but the best started one September 9th 01 and I started trashing again and again and did trash it for the last time in the period Sept 26 05 to Feb 05 06. This LOVE was about sticking together when there where BAD things happening and sticking even closer when good where happening... This was something I will remember my whole life, because I wanted to marry her on 07

Well... LOVE is a mixture of:

- love
- togetherness
- Decision of both sides

love with time, and commitment transforms in LOVE.

This is what love is, at least for me.


Blogger blanquita said...

=O marry whooo??????????????? :|

yeeiii!!! tendremos weddin' hihi :D k emociooon!!

t kero primooo

el amor es lo mas shingon del mundooo!!!!


8:37 AM  
Blogger Blas said...

no brutica, no hay wedding... ese era el plan :P pero pos ya fue...

12:11 AM  

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